Note that there are two versions of these quests for each faction: the first will give experience along with the salve and is a one time thing (like standard quests) while the second becomes available after and does not give experience, only the salve and is repeatable. Wczoraj zrobilimy z ukaszem 14 tatua Jeszcze z 14 i bdzie mia. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account Home. It appears only enchanters will have available to them (as the needed item is not BoP unlike the above three, I bought two on the AH and attempted to see if I could do the quest: it was not available to me even after a restart to further check) The Looter is an upcoming 2D pixel art action-adventure game set in the post-apocalyptic dystopia.Everyone will have the quests available while the other four will be determined from the aforementioned professions: To the Looter Go the Spoils 10 Loot the Autographed Picture of Foror & Tigule in Alterac Valley.

used in what we now refer to as Cenarion plant salve.When you gather herbs in Felwood, you should encounter the fel creep so long as you have the beacon. My work here has taught me the knowledge of purifying fel creep into a cleansing reagent. Comment by Draejin89I'm going to post this on all the Alliance versions of these quests as I have not found anyone commenting on more details about each.įrom my in-game experience and online research (checking both WoWPedia and WoWWiki), there is a limit to which of these quests each character will have available to them, based on the professions of said characters. A Cenarion beacon allows a seasoned herbalist to spot insidious fel creep - a malfeasant product of Felwood's corruption.